Characterization of Leaching at the Coeur d'Alene Golf Club Floating Green
(3rd year of three years). Dr. Bill Johnston, Washington State University, Pullman.
Objectives: 1. Quantify water flow and movement of NO3 and NH4 through a large-scale sand-based putting green under actual golf course field conditions; 2. Demonstrate the effect of N fertilization and application methods on sand-based putting greens to promote environmental safety and support the highest level of turfgrass quality. This research projects is in cooperation with the USGA Green Section, Northwest Turfgrass Assn., Inland Empire GCSA, Oregon GCSA, Peaks & Prairies GCSA and the Western Washington GCSA.
Total yearly value: $36,000 US ($54,000CDN)
WCTA: $7,500 ($5,000 US).
Controlling Winter Disease with Fall Applications of Potash
(3rd year).
David Sullivan, Castlegar Golf Club. Objectives: To analyze the effectiveness of different rates of potash applied on fairway turf subsequent to aerification with product broadcast dry on the turf surface. Data will be collected on the effects to the control of pink snow mold and grey snow mold.
Total yearly value: $3,000
WCTA: $2,000.
Evaluation of turfgrass quality, thatch development and rooting environment of Poa reptans under different thatch management regime
(1st year of two year project).
Bently Sly, Northlands GC and Dr. Brian Holl, Lamorna Enterprises.
Poa reptans has only recently been introduced to the turfgrass market and there is little information available on management of this particular species on an active golf course. This project is designed to address management of Poa reptans specifically with respect to the development of thatch, as well as to begin to develop our knowledge base of how this species performs in the Pacific North West.
Total yearly value: $22,000
WCTA $6,200
Action Plan for Defining Long Term Project to Minimize Pesticide Usage in Urban Canada
Dr. Brian Holl Project manager.
This project is the beginning to develop a national strategy to increase public awareness and usage of Integrated Pest Management techniques and to lay the foundation for significant reduction in pesticide usage in urban Canadian settings.
Total yearly value: $20,000
WCTA nil in 1st year
Creeping Bentgrass Variety Trial at Multiple Locations
(1st of 4 years) David Davidson, Kwantlen University College.
Objectives: to test creeping bentgrasses from each of the BC seed companies at KUC, Cottonwood GC and 2 other sites.
Total yearly value: $8,000
WCTA: $4,000
Partner funding to the Canadian Turfgrass Research Foundation.
Total yearly value: $75,000; WCTA $5,000
Matching Funding for Leslie MacDonald, BCMAF, to represent the WCTA at the International Turfgrass.
(1 year)
Objectives: To make a formal presentation to all the delegates and exhibit at the Research Poster Session. Leslie will be telling the WCTA story of our practical demonstration projects conducted by our members with the guidance of research professionals (Leslie MacDonald, Dr. Brian Holl and David Davidson.
Total yearly value: $2,500
WCTA: $1,250
Potential of Entomopathogenic Nematodes to Control European Craneflies in Turfgrass
(1st of 3 years)
Marilee Pregitzer and Deborah Henderson. Objectives: To determine field monitoring technique or trapping methods, locate suitable menatode trial sites for both Tipula Paludosa and Tipula oleracea adults and larvae, determine the efficacy of nematode treatments for control, and to compose an extension publication on biocontrol options of the European cranefly.
Total yearly value: $11,960
WCTA: $5,530
Evapotranspiration (ET) information on-line:
(1st year of multi year partnership agreement)
Objectives: The Farmwest web site provides ET information, both current and historic, for 42 locations in irrigated areas around BC. The climate information is gathered from existing Environment Canada (EC) climate stations that are able to automatically give us daily climate information. The site will also contain links to information on how to use ET data and other irrigation management advice.
Total yearly value: $3,000
WCTA: $500
Architectural Approaches for Biological Filtration of Nutrients in Golf Course Runoff Water
(1st of 3 years)
Eric Miltner, Gwen Stahanke, William Johnston and Geoffrey Rinehart, Washington State University
Objective: To monitor the effectiveness of biological filtration techniques that were intentionally incorporated into the design and construction of a golf course. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in soil solution and surface water will be monitored in different topographical locations.
Total yearly value: $23,000 US ($34,500 CDN)
WCTA $7,500 CDN ($5,000 US)
Total Value: $ 233,960 CDN
2001 WCTA Funding: $ 39,480 CDN