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    Characterization of Leaching at the Coeur d'Alene Golf Club Floating Green
    (first year of two year project).

    Dr. Bill Johnston, Washington State University, Pullman. Objectives: 1. Quantify water flow and movement of NO3 and NH4 through a large-scale sand-based putting green under actual golf course field conditions; 2. Demonstrate the effect of N fertilization and application methods on sand-based putting greens to promote environmental safety and support the highest level of turfgrass quality. This research projects is in cooperation with the USGA Green Section, Northwest Turfgrass Assn., Inland Empire GCSA, Oregon GCSA, Peaks and Prairies GCSA and the Western Washington GCSA.
    Total yearly value$54,000 CDN ($36,000 US); WCTA:$7,500 ($5,000 US).

    Winter Greens' Cover Protection
    (1 year).

    Mike Baden, Superintendent, Cranbrook GC. Objectives: To achieve satisfactory winter survival on different soil and turf types existing on the course by testing different fungicides, type and timing of coverings and temperature monitoring under the covers.
    Total yearly value: $2,000 WCTA: $1,200.

    Nutrient and Rhizosphere Management of Amended Sand Greens
    (second year of two year project).

    Dr. Brian Holl, UBC. Objectives: To focus on the impact of amendments and fertilizer on stand quality, plant health and the activity of the associated rhizosphere microbial population. This research project is in cooperation with the Northwest Turfgrass Association, each association will fund $10,000 CDN per year.
    Total yearly value: $20,000; WCTA: $10,000.

    The Effects of Soil Amendments/Top-Dressings on Turf Performance,
    Impute Factors, and Soil Microbial Activity in Sand and Sand/Peat Based
    sportsfields and in Sand Bases Sod Field
    (1 year).

    Continuing the Project from 1997. Ken Ng / Steve Wong. Objectives: To compare and evaluate the long term effects of organic topdressings on sand or peat/sand sportfield in terms of the following: Turf Quality (overall above ground quality; overall root quality; disease infection) Microbial Activity: (bacterial and fungal populations; beneficial microbial populations).
    Total yearly value: $21,000 WCTA: $4000.

    Development of an Integrated Management System to
    Reduce Earthworm Casting on Golf Course Fairways
    (first of 2 years).

    Objective: To reduce worm castings on golf Course fairways by limiting earthworm casting activity. The initial investigation focuses on identifying which species are present and learning more about the biology of there earthworm species that cause casting problems in western Washington, Oregon and Canada. Second, to evaluate several cultural practices that have been shown detrimental to earthworm activity in previous research in other regions of the world; and to incorporate these cultural practices into a management system specific to the conditions and earthworm species present in the northwest.
    Total yearly value $35,500 CDN ($23,661 US) WCTA: $7,500 ($5,000 US)

    Benefits of Turfgrass Quality with the use of Ecolite
    as a Soil Amendment/Topdressing Material
    (continuing 1997 project):

    Dan Rolfe, Belmont GC. Objectives: To determine the benefits of overall turf quality by using zeolite (Ecolite) as a soil amendment / top dress material. The testing on a putting green and will continue to assess root development, visual and functional qualities as well as the recuperative abilities of the turfgrass on a longer tern basis.
    WCTA: Nil.

    Improvement of Wear and Compaction (traffic) Problems on Sand-Based Fields
    (1 year, continuing and expanding project in 1997).

    Elisabeth Deom Eldridge. Objectives: To compare the efficiency of crumb rubber, pumice and diatomite (Axis) in alleviating soil compaction and improving turfgrass wear tolerance on athletic sand fields; to evaluate the effect of different crumb rubber topdressings on turf wear and soil condition; and to assess playing quality across a playing field on the basis of ball response and surface characteristics and player evaluation.
    Total yearly value: $15,975 WCTA: $5,675.

    Biology and Control of Tipula Oleracea, a New Leatherjacket
    (1 year).

    Bob Costello, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Objectives: To develop the basic life cycle information including: generations; length of a generation; and timing of adult emergence, egg hatching and greatest larval feeding. The "new leatherjacket/crane fly has only been observed the last year and is different than the traditional one in its life cycle and the timing of feeding .
    Total yearly value: $2,000 WCTA: $2,000.

    The Evaluation of Various Fungicides for the Control of Snow Molds
    (1 year - over the winter of 1998-99).

    Jim Ross, Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre and Ken MacKenzie, Golden Golf Club. Objectives:
    To evaluate the effectiveness of various fungicide programs for the prevention of snow mold. This will generally include three applications prior to winter snow fall. To determine the snow molds present. To reduce fungicidal applications by the use of appropriate products applied at the appropriate rates and to reduce fungicidal applications through the use of biological controls.
    Total yearly value: $3,815 WCTA: $3,815.

    Total Value: $ 154,300 CDN 1998 WCTA Funding: $41,000 CDN

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