Characterization of Leaching at the Coeur d'Alene Golf Club Floating Green
(2nd year of two year project, possibly three years).
Dr. Bill Johnston, Washington State University, Pullman. Objectives: Quantify water flow and movement of NO3 and NH4 through a large-scale sand-based putting green under actual golf course field conditions. Demonstrate the effect of N fertilization and application methods on sand-based putting greens to promote environmental safety and support the highest level of turfgrass quality. This research projects is in cooperation with the USGA Green Section, Northwest Turfgrass Assn., Inland Empire GCSA, Oregon GCSA, Peaks and Prairies GCSA and the Western Washington GCSA.
Total yearly value: $36,000 US ($54,000CDN);
WCTA: $7,500 ($5,000 US).
Controlling Winter Disease with Fall Applications of Potash
( 1 year).
David Sullivan, Castlegar Golf Club. Objectives: To analyze the effectiveness of different rates of potash applied on fairway turf subsequent to aerification with product broadcast dry on the turf surface. Data will be collected on the effects to the control of pink snow mold and grey snow mold.
Total yearly value: $3,000
(1 year).
Increasing O2 Levels and Decreasing Anaerobic
Conditions in the Rootzone on Sand Based Turf
(1 year).
Peter Szarka, The Redwoods Golf Course. Objectives: To increase the O2 levels and decrease excess CO2 and H2O levels in the root zone of a USGA specified green mix. A Sub-Air unit will be attached to the drainage system to vacuum out sub soil gasses thereby drawing fresh air into the root zone.
Total yearly value: $13,500
WCTA $6,500.
Development of an Integrated Management System to
Reduce Earthworm Casting on Golf Course Fairways
(2nd of 2 years).
Objective: To reduce worm castings on golf Course fairways by limiting earthworm casting activity. The initial investigation focuses on identifying which species are present and learning more about the biology of there earthworm species that cause casting problems in western Washington, Oregon and Canada. Second, to evaluate several cultural practices that have been shown detrimental to earthworm activity in previous research in other regions of the world; and to incorporate these cultural practices into a management system specific to the conditions and earthworm species present in the northwest.
Yearly Value: $23,700US ($35,550CDN)
WCTA:$7,500 ($5,000US)
Improvement of Wear and Compaction (traffic) Problems on Sand-Based Fields
(2nd year, continuing and expanding project in 1998).
Elisabeth Deom Eldridge. Objectives: To compare the efficiency of crumb rubber, pumice and diatomite (Axis) in alleviating soil compaction and improving turfgrass wear tolerance on athletic sand fields; to evaluate the effect of different crumb rubber top dressings on turf wear and soil condition; and to assess playing quality across a playing field on the basis of ball response and surface characteristics and player evaluation. Continuing from 1998.
Control of Downy Mildew on Putting Greens
Ernie Whitelaw and Dave Sandulo at Mt. Brenton Golf Club are testing different treatments for downy mildew on putting greens. This disease has been identified and become more prevelent on the West Coast the last two years and has had no turf related testing for it.
Total yearly value: $4,000
WCTA $2,000.
Total Value: $ 110,050 CDN 1999 WCTA Funding: $ 25,500 CDN