The development of a DNA diagnostic kit to rapidly and accurately identify the Pythium species and other fungal genre that could cause turf damage. The will be the second year of a two year program in co-operation with the Agriculture Canada station at UBC. - Dr. Andre Levesque, Agriculture Canada, Vancouver, BC.
(WCTA: $15,000; Matching: $30,000)
Minor use registration for Canada: The efficacy of turf fungicides, Chloroneb, Etridiazole, Fosetyl-Al, and Metalaxyl on pythium related diseases of bentgrass. - Leslie MacDonald, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (BCMAFF), Abbotsford, BC
(WCTA: $1,000; Matching: $11,000)
Pythium crown and root disease trials in co-operation with the BC Ministry of Agriculture testing cultural means for Pythium control. Leslie MacDonald, BCMAFF, at University of British Columbia (UBC).
(WCTA: $2,000; Matching: $5,000)
Antagonistic and beneficial bacteria studies in co-operation with local Vancouver golf courses. -- Dr. Brian Holl, UBC
(Matching: 22,000)
Variety Trials (kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, perennial ryegrass) - Dr. Brian Holl, UBC (WCTA: $5,000;
Matching: $3,000)
(WCTA: 15,000)
Nutrient and rhizosphere management of amended sand greens -- Dr. Brian Holl, UBC
(WCTA: $10,000; Matching: $10,000)
WCTA funding: $48,000
Matching funds: 81,000
Total cost: $129,000
Date: 6/12/00$18,000 more to be granted in 2000