The following are the guidelines for completing
the WCTA Research Project Application Form:
Research Index l Research Application Form |
1. Application Date: |
2. Project Title: |
The title identifies and describes the project. |
3. Applicant: |
Person responsible for the project |
4. Address, Phone, Fax, E-mail: |
5. Co-operating Partners: |
Identify any partners you have. Partners may include:·
- Other colleagues who are interested in repeating the experiment under different conditions;
- Companies which are providing products for testing;
- Others not associated with your operation but who are participating in the test(i.e. consultants, university or college staff, government ministries or employees)
6. Project Background: |
Outline your interest in the subject. This may include:
- A review of the turf management problem at your facility or in your area -- i.e. how important or how big is the problem; what has been tried (usually without success)
- A review of published work - i.e. what has been tried in other areas; what is the history of the subject.
Summarize the project background by indicating how the results of your test will add to what is already known about the subject. |
7. Proposed Project Objectives: |
What are the goals of the project? The key here is to be as specific as possible. |
8. Project: |
Describe how the trial will be conducted. Include information on the:
- Number of treatments (remember to include control treatments);
Size of treatments;
- Arrangement of treatments (a plot plan may be appropriate);
- How many replications will there be or each treatment (Without replication you cannot have much confidence in the outcome of the experiment);
- How will the treatments be applied;
- Start date of the experiment, dates of the treatment and dates on which data will be collected;
- How will the data be analyzed (assessed or interpreter)
9. Budget: |
Make the budget as realistic as possible. Appropriate receipts will have to be included with the final report.
- Salaries: labour costs
- Materials: costs of fertilizers, amendments, pesticides, gas, oil etc.
- Equipment: cost of new or rented equipment for the project (Purchases of new equipment should be small. The WCTA will not be subsidizing major equipment purchases)
- Lab costs: soil testing or tissue testing costs. (Tests must be done by certified labs)
- Other: please identify
- Funding from other sources: If other funding is applied for and/or received for your project it must be identified. (This may be a grant from another agency or it may be the donation of materials from a supplier)
10. Project Starting Date: |
See Project details number 8. |
11. Project Completion Date: |
See Project details number. Include time after the final data analysis and report writing. |